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Do you struggle with your kids over homework, chores, meal times, and bedtime? Are you frustrated that your child doesn't listen to you, so that you resort to threats and punishments? Pushed to the brink, do you find yourself yelling, but not wanting to—yet not knowing another way?
Wasn't this whole parenting thing supposed to be more fun than it is?
When you uncover why children act out the way they do, you can address the reasons for the behavior…and the need to threaten or punish vanishes.
In Connection and Kindness: The Key to Changing the World Through Parenting, discover how to let your child’s core of kindness shine through—as well as your own!
ERIN TAYLOR, MA has worked for almost two decades with families of all kinds, from foster and adoptive families to biological, divorced, blended and single-parent families. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Drexel University and her Master's Degree from Loyola University Maryland.
Erin met her future husband, Jay, when they were 18 and they are now both pursuing careers that they love while joyfully raising their three heart-healthy children. Their first daughter, Sydney who was conceived via In-Vitro Fertilization, died of a heart defect when she was only 24 days old. Erin and Jay founded and for 12 years ran a non-profit organization, the Sydney Mae Taylor Foundation, to help other young people living with heart defects, while maintaining her career as a therapist.
As a conscious parent teacher, student and parent herself, Erin understands that parents have all the wisdom inside of them that they need to be the exact parents their children need them to be, but in order to access that wisdom, they need to "grow themselves up."
Erin is thrilled to help parents find their way on their parenting journey, helping them to become the parents they always wished to become and have the relationships with their children they only thought was possible in their dreams.
Erin is now a PCI Certified Parent Coach© helping parents to develop deeper, more fulfilling relationships with their children. Erin believes that parenting is one of the most challenging and sacred tasks we can ever take on in life, while also being the most rewarding and satisfying. She writes a blog and is a regular contributor to South Jersey MOM Magazine and Natural Awakenings South Jersey Edition.
Erin presents workshops and webinars to individuals, groups, and schools
* Introduction to Conscious Parenting
* Raising a Motivated Child
* Transcending Your Triggers
* or customize to your needs
Erin is available for Keynote Speeches, Presentations for large and small audiences.
* Seeing Challenges as Opportunities to Grow
* Gratitude
* or customize to your needs
Erin's blog: www.villageparentcoaching.com/blog/
facebook.com/it takes a village parent coaching
twitter @parentcoacherin